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Job Realisation in South Africa

Goal Hunters - Job Realisation

Help a Star Foundation and Job Realization South Africa combine their activities to give young people in Townships in South Africa the opportunity to play football and thus give more meaning to their life in the Townships. With the support of Rob van Maanen and Tim Jamoèl from the Netherlands, Job Realization South Africa sponsors 2 teams of the Goal Hunters, 1 boys and 1 girls team in the largest Township in Cape Town: Khayelitsha. There is also the opportunity to young people with a disability to play in a team.

The aim of supporting the young people is to bring more regularity into their lives by means of training and guidance and to influence their behaviour in a positive way. It is important that young people experience meaning and usefulness in their lives again. Playing in a football team promotes cooperation, discipline, sportsmanship, perseverance and teaches young people to deal with loss and profit.

The ultimate goal is for the young people to be able to go to school again and to find a job. Job Realisation SA will support them to realize this dream. Providing education and creating opportunities are important goals.

Rob van Maanen

Mr. Rob van Maanen

Job Realisation South Africa

Goal Hunters in new outfit


Since 2009 Job Realisation South Africa (JRSA) supports projects for and with youth in South Africa.  With financial support of Royal Netherlands Embassy in Pretoria we realised a successful program with 700 young people living in Townships near cape Town and Johannesburg.

From 2010 JRSA was funding 2 soccer teams of the Goal Hunters in the Township Khayelitsha near Cape Town. The young players were and are very proud on wearing the outfits given by JRSA.

The program of JRSA is focused on the commitment and empowerment of children in poorer areas. By giving them a chance to play in a team we create a new and positive future for them. The soccer training give the young people a structure in their life, with straight rules and chances to show your competences on the field.

The project has started by Rob van Maanen from The Netherlands (see picture below) regarding one team with boys/young men and one with girls/young ladies. Special attention is for youth with disabilities. In the boys team 2 deaf boys are included in the team and they play all the games too.

The trainer Anella Bota and the boys team have been very successful already from the beginning of the support of JRSA. They have won many local and regional cups.

We are proud that the Help a Star Foundation has included the Support of The Goal Hunters. With the great financial support of Mr. Tim Jamoèl from The Netherlands the team will be supported in the next years too.

For more information see also the Facebook page of the Goal Hunters:

Job Realisation Gallery

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